HISTORY: Right Hip Pain
TECHNIQUE: Mulitplanar images of the right hip were obtained at 1.5 Tesla without IV contrast


There is a nondisplaced subcapital right femoral neck fracture. There is mild adjacent bone marrow edema. The femoral head is intact and is not displaced. The proximal left femur is intact. There is moderate degenerative superior joint space narrowing of both hips. No additional pelvic fracture is seen. No bone lesion.

MUSCLES AND TENDONS: There is mild edema within the right gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. No evidence of a discrete tendon tear.

ACETABULAR LABRUM: The labrum is grossly intact.

SOFT TISSUES: There is a small right hip effusion. No soft tissue mass. The urinary appears normal.

Nondisplaced subcapital right femoral neck fracture.