HISTORY: Atherosclerosis native arteries of extremities with intermittent claudication.


TECHNIQUE: Contrast enhanced MR angiographic images were obtained at 1.5 Tesla from the abdominal aorta through both feet following administration of 20 mL of Gadavist intravenous contrast.

Abdominal Aorta: The abdominal aorta is normal in caliber. No aneurysm or dissection is seen.
Right CIA, IIA and EIA: The right common iliac artery is occluded at its origin, with collateral supply internal and external iliac arteries. There is relatively limited flow in the right external iliac artery.
Right CFA and PFA: The right common femoral and profunda femoris arteries are patent.
Right SFA: The right superficial femoral artery is patent.
Right Popliteal Artery: The right popliteal artery is patent.
Right Calf Vessels: The right anterior and posterior tibial arteries are patent. The right anterior and posterior tibial arteries are patent. The tibioperoneal trunk and right peroneal artery are patent.

Left CIA, IIA, EIA: The left common, internal and external iliac arteries are patent.
Left CFA and PFA: The left common femoral and profunda femoris arteries are patent.
Left SFA: The left superficial femoral artery is patent.
Left Calf Vessels: The left anterior tibial artery is patent proximally, with a high-grade stenosis of the vessel in the left lower leg distally. The left posterior tibial artery is patent across the ankle. The tibioperoneal trunk and left peroneal artery are patent.

Mesenteric Vessels: There is a stenosis of the celiac artery origin. The SMA is normal in appearance proximally.
Renal Arteries: The left renal artery is normal in appearance. The right renal artery appears to be relatively hypoplastic.

IMPRESSION: Right common iliac artery occlusion at its origin, with reconstitution of flow in the right external iliac artery and better flow still within the right common and superficial femoral arteries.