COMPARISON: 4/27/2021
TECHNIQUE: Axial and sagittal images of the cervical spine were obtained at 1.5T prior to and following administration of 10 mL of Dotarem intravenous contrast. During this public health emergency, we are using enhanced sterilization processes, social distancing measures and PPE for your protection.


CERVICAL SPINE: There is no fracture or significant vertebral body lesion. There is normal alignment. There is some reversal of the usual cervical lordosis, suggestive of muscle spasm. As noted on prior studies, there are multiple lesions within the cervical spinal cord, most prominent at the C1 level and at the C2 and C4 – 5 and C5 -6 levels. No other significant cervical spondylosis.

IMPRESSION: Stable pattern of demyelinating disease involving cervical spinal cord, without progression compared to 4/27/2021. No new focus of demyelination or evidence of contrast enhancement.