TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar images of the head were obtained at 1.5 Tesla prior to and following administration of 26 ml of Dotarem intravenous contrast. During this public health emergency, we are using enhanced sterilization processes, social distancing measures and PPE for your protection.

COMPARISON: CT head 8/21/2022

Brain: There is an acute infarct of the left basal ganglia, extending superiorly into the left corona radiata. No mass effect or evidence of hemorrhage. No enhancing lesion noted after contrast administration.

Pituitary: There is no sellar lesion.
IACS: The internal auditory canals are unremarkable.
Vasculature: Normal vascular flow voids are demonstrated.
Sinuses: There is fluid in both maxillary sinuses and in the sphenoid sinus, with mucosal thickening involving the ethmoid air cells and frontal sinuses.

IMPRESSION: Acute infarct of the left basal ganglia extends superior into the left corona radiata. No mass or hemorrhage.